23 novembre 2010

L'Edition Spéciale Opening !

Stop motion pour l'intro de l'Edition speciale sur Canal plus !
Shooté avec 2 Canon 5D Mark II.

Created and Directed by Greg Barth
Client: Flab Prod / Canal +
Art direction, Coordination and Design: Greg Barth
DOP: Noé Sardet (Parafilms)
Lighting and troubleshooting: Noé Sardet (Parafilms)
Main wood building and troubleshooting: Clement_Yeh
Wooden letters, custom tables & other carved elements: Faux Cadres Canal
Paper / Cardboard elements: Adrien Baudet
Sound Design: Nookaad Prod.
Music: Flab Prod.
Animators: Greg Barth, Noé Sardet, Colas Wohlhahrt,
Alex Da Cunha, Remi Borgeal, Ai-Vy Huyn, Clement_Yeh

Checkez le Making of !

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